
Język angielski

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Opis wakacji po angielsku.

holiday this year has been great. In July I was with my cousin, brother and sister by the sea. We were two weeks. I liked it. The weather was nice it was warm and sunny. every morning we went for walks and walked to the restaurant. swam in the...


Stopniowanie przymiotnika

1. Stopniowanie regularne Dotyczy przymiotników jedno i dwu sylabowych, dodajemy końcówkę "er" w stopniu wyższym oraz "the est" w stopniu najwyższym. a) dodajemy bez problemów cheap - czeaper - the cheapest young - younger - the youngest...


The person I admire - My mom

I admire some people, but my mom is my reason to live. She is the big hero in my life and I?m going to describe her. Her name is Ewa ???. My mom is a nurse. She loved to help other because she says it was her dream when she was...


Pros and cons of keeping animals in zoos

Should animals be kept in zoos? It is hard to decide for me whether it is good or bad. Keeping animals in zoos does indeed have a lot of advantages. Firstly, animals are provided with food and water. They must not worry about it. In zoos, the...


Zestawy maturalne.

ZESTAWY MAURALNE DO ĆWICZEŃ – ROZMOWY STEROWANE UZYSKIWANIE i UDZIELANIE INFORMACJI 1. Starasz się o pracę jako opiekunka do dziecka. Poinformuj potencjalnego pracodawcę: - jakie masz kwalifikacje - dlaczego chciałbyś podjąć tę pracę -...


My favourite subject in school is English - speech

My favourite subject in school is English. It is quite easy and pleasant to study it. English is used in each field of life and it is useful to know it. Most of web sides are in English. It is nice to be able to use such a sides like yahoo, msn...


Czasownik be

Zdania twierdzące i przeczące : FORMY SKRÓCONE FORMY PEŁNE I'm I am you're...


Charakterystyka / opis osoby

I was born on 5th June,1988 in Wrsaw.The meaning of my name "Agnes" is cleanness.I am the student of the first class technical school,so I am 16 years old.I am 1,60 cm height (tall) and I think I am weel-builit.I have layered,short,fair hair with...


Keeping animals in zoos has both advantages and disadvantages

Nowadays, a lot of animals live in zoos. Is it right or wrong to keep them in the zoos? The following essay presents some pros and cons of this problem. First of all, people can see wild, beautiful, exotic animals. They can...


Trzy formy czasownika - odmiana

1 FORMA 2 FORMA 3 FORMA ZNACZENIE be was/were been być begin began begun zaczynać break broke broken łamać bring brought brought przynosić build built built budować buy bought...


I Wish - If Only



Men are more interested in sport than woman.

Men are often associated with tin of beers, sitting in front of the TV and watching a football match. Then woman want to switch over to some serial or talk-show. It is generally considered that men are more interested in sport than women. Let's...


Zawody (pracy) po angielsku i po polsku

bizmesmen/bizmeswomen car mechanic - mechanic samochodowy carpenter - stolarz cashier - kasjer computer programmer - programista komputerowy conductor - dyrygent konsultant - konsultant Cook,chef - kucharz Dentist - dentysta Film...


"Opis mojego pokoju" po angielsku

I really love this room. My room is huge. It has 20 square miters. It is placed in the southern part of my house. There are two windows in which I can see my neighbours. The walls in my room are green and so it?s well lit. In my room there?s a...


List po angielsku

Dear Dagmara Hello, how are you? We are in Sydney on a short holiday. Sydney is beautiful. There's so much to do here that I don't know where to begin. We get up 10 a. m. and go swimming and sunbathing every day. After lunch we usually go...


Advantages and disadvantages of using Internet

Nowadays almost everyone in the world have had a contact with computers. A great part of them has been using international computer’s net known as Internet. I think using internet has more advantages then disadvantages. First of all, Internet...


My last holidays

My last holidays I’ve spent in Croatia. It was the best summer in my whole life. I went to this beautiful country by car with most of my friends. We were living in a great hotel at the coastal with swimming pool and casino. This hotel was rather...


My last holidays

This year's holidays I spent with my cousin Kinga in the United States of America. We've begun our adventure in Cracow, from where we left Poland. We were very afraid of flying by a plane. Nine hours later we got to Newark, where our granparents...


Czasownik - have got, has got

CZASOWNIK HAVE GOT I HAS GOT Czasownik have got oznacza mieć. Używamy go mówiąc o posiadanych rzeczach, cechach a także o członkach rodziny, znajomych. Jeśli mówimy o posiadaniu czegoś używamy hale Got. Natomiast, jeśli mówimy lub wykonujemy...


List oficjalny i prywatny- jak pisać?

LIST PRYWATNY Wstep Thanks for you recent letter. I’m sorry I haven’ written so long but…, Zakończenie: ( spotk) Looking forward to see-ing you/ hearing from you. (zakończ :) Love … LIST Z PRZEPROSINAMI: -I’m really sorry that I forgot...


Stopniowanie przymiotników

1. Krótkie jednosylabowe zakończone na spółgłoskę np. wet – wetter – the wettest 1 wet 2 wetter - stopień wyższy ( podwajamy ostatnią literę-spógłoskę) d dodajemy końcówkę -er 3 the wettest - stopień najwyższy...


Irregular verbs.

W załączniku czasowniki nieregularne wraz z tłumaczeniem. Jest to zdecydowana większość z nich. Nie w postaci tabelki, bo tabelek nie znoszę, ale w miarę przejrzyście.


My best childhood memory

I will never forget that hot summer day when we moved to a new house. We got up at 5 a.m. and spent whole morning packing but by the lunchtime we still had a lot things to do. We placed fragile items to the special containers . My mum told the...


Twój kolega z USA chce przyjechać do Polski. Napisz do niego e-mail.

- dlaczego chce przyjechać do Polski - zasugerujesz 2 miejsca, które powinien zwiedzić - zaproponujesz wspólną wyprawę rowerową i podasz przykładową trasę - zaporoponujesz pomoc w załatwieniu noclegu i napiszesz, że w następnym mailu wyślesz mu...


„Describe a person you know well”

The person I would like to describe I my brother. I know him since I know. It is about 18 years. I saw him as I remember 11th may 1984 when my parents bring me at home from hospital. He is tall. He isn’t very thin and fat. He has got a brown...


Tematy na prezentacje - poziom rozszerzony angielski

Topics for discussion 1. What shapes our personality: our genes or the environment in which we grow up? Justify your opinion. 2. Does our nationality determine the way we think and act? In what way? 3. Do you believe in horoscopes? Can our...


Zostawiłeś swój adres e-mail na jednej z witryn internetowych dla osób chcących nawiązać korespondencję z rówieśnikami z zagranicy. Dostałeś odpowiedź od dziewczyny z Irlandii. Napisz do mniej e-mail.

Napisz do niej e-mail w którym: -przedstawisz się -napiszesz czym się zajmujesz -wymienisz swoje główne zainteresowania -wyrazisz nadzieję że zostaniecie przyjaciółmi Dear Jean, Thanks for your e-mail. My name is XYZ. I live in Osiny, a small...


Moje ostatnie wakacje- My last holiday

Half my holidays I spent on the job.I worked in the Northern Shipyard. Afterwards I went to my grandmamma which lives in the small city Golub-Dobrzyń forty kilometres from Thorn (Toruń). There I was born and I lived by fourteen years. I have there...


Napisz recenzje na ok. 300 słów wybranego przez siebie filmu

The Birds As beautiful blonde Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren) rolls into Bodega Bay in pursuit of eligible bachelor Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor), she is inexplicably attacked by a seagull. Suddenly thousands of birds are flocking into town, preying...


Czerwony Kapturek- Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time, in the middle of a thick forest in a small cottage lived a pretty girl known to everyone as Little Red Riding Hood with her mother. She was called so because she always wore a red coat. One day her grandmother suddenly fell...


Przykładowy opis rysunku z użyciem długich zdań.

The picture shows two people in a room. One of them is a men, sitting and sleeping in an armchair, wearing a blue sweatshirt. He’s bald and snoring. The second person is a women, sitting on a chair, and painting on a material, which is...


Święta w Polsce: Boże Narodzenie, Dzień Nauczyciela, Dzień Niepodległości

Holidays in Poland In Poland we have many holidays very much and we are tying the big scale to them. They belong to religious holidays Christmas, the Ester and a...


Is the Internet a blessing or a curse?

In my opinion the Internet is a blessing. The Internet is without doubt one of the most important inventions in history. The main use of the Internet is to find information - for your job or schoolwork or just to find current events. You can...


A typical day in your life.

On a typical day I get up at 6 o'clock. In the morning I'm pressed for time because I like to sleep. At home I drink only a tea and I rus to work. I drive to work and listen to hip - hop. I start work about 7 o'clock. At first I'm preparing for...


Szybka powtórka - czasy

The Present Simple: I drink milk. She drinks milk. They drink milk. Czynnosci zwyczajowe, powtarzające się (always, often, usually, sometimes, occasionalyy, rarely, never, ever, nowadays, once, every day). Harmonogram, program, plan,...


Napisz pocztówke do kolegi z Anglii: 1. Napisz o pogodzie. 2. Co zazwyczaj robisz. 3. Co robiłaś wczoraj. 4. Co będziesz robić jutro.

Hello Kasia, I'm in Rome now. The weather is beautiful. It is sunny and hot. I usually swimm and sunbeaching at the beach. Yesterday I was sightseeing the city. I saw many besutiful bildings. Tommorow I will be back to Poland. See you soon. Best...


Irregular Verbs - odmiana czasowników nieregularnych - tabela

polski base form past simple past participle być znosić stawać się zaczynać ukąsić wiać łamać przynieść budować spalić rozrywać kupować móc łapać wybierać przychodzić kosztować ciąć rozdawać kopać robić śnić...


Present Simple Tense - Czas teraźniejszy prosty

1. Używamy, gdy mówimy o czynności stałej, codziennej, powtarzającej się. 2. Słówka charakterystyczne: a) every day - każdego dnia every year - każdego roku every week - każdego tygodnia b) always - zawsze often - często...


Trzy formy czasownika

Być be was/were Bern Rodzić bear bore born Uderzyć beat beat beaten Stać się become became become Zaczynać begin began begun Gryźć bite bit bitten Łamać break broke broken Przynosić bring brought brought Budować build built built Kupować...


What would you do if you had a lot of money?

Temat: What would you do if you had a lot of money? People say that money is not everything. That we should think about our health, family and so on. As far as I’m concerned I agree with this. But what would we do if we hadn’t money? Would...


List motywacyjny. Starasz sie o prace jako opiekunka na letnim obozie.

Dear Mrs. Smith, I read Your advertisment in the local newspaper and i would like to apply for a job as a group leader at summer camp in Bath in this summer. I'm 18 yers old and I'm student at a college in Britan. I like singing and play...


Buckingham Palace

BUCKINGHAM PALACE - Buckingham House, as it was first called, was built by the 1st Duke of Buckingham between 1702 and 1705, and bought by George III in 1762. Buckingham Palace is like a small town, with a police station, two post offices, a...


Niektórzy uczniowie po skończeniu szkoły średniej decydują się na rok przerwy przed podjęciem studiów. W tym czasie pracują lub podróżują. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą dobre i złe strony takiej decyzji.

Test 03 PR Zadanie 3. Recently some of the students decide to go for a gap year. A year-long holidays after finishing high school instead of going straight to the university. This time is often spend working or traveling. This decision has...


Zalety i wady posiadania uludionego zwierzaka. (advantages and disadvantages of having a pet)

Having a pet is a nice thing. However, many people do not realize that it is also a great responsibility. It has definitely a lot of advatages, the greatest of which is the therapeutic effect of having a pet. It is now called ‘pet therapy’. Pet...


Strona bierna podstawowych czasów (tabela)

Tense Active voice Passive voice important Present Simple He delivers letters The letters are delivered s : -ed Past Simple He delivered the letters The letters were delivered _ : was / were Present Perfect...


Zakupy przez Internet. Shopping on the Internet - advantages and disadvantages

Nowadays, more and more people are keen on doing shopping on the Internet. This possibility brings many advantages but it is not a bed of roses. Internet shopping can be also a big risk or a bad investment. First of all, Internet shopping saves...


What social problems are the most serious in Poland nowadays?

I believe that unemployment is currently the most pressing social issue in Poland, particularly among young people. Many graduates from schools and universities struggle to secure employment, leading them to perceive limited prospects for their...


Passive voice- ściąga

Zobacz koniecznie zalacznik....sciaga przejrzysta gotowa do wydrukowania...(3 wersje sciagi w tym zalaczniku...sam wybierz)


Sport in my life

Many kinds of sports are practiced by me, but the best sport for me is riding a bike. It's enjoyable and exhilarating. The best seasons for riding are spring and summer when the weather is warm. During these times, I meet up with my friends, and...