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Advantages and disadvantages of being famous

It is widely believed that famous people have a wonderful life with no worries or problems. But is being famous so easy? The greatest advantage of being famous is that celebrities are usually very rich so they have easier life than other...


Advantages adn disadvantages of watching TV!

Nowadays watchung TV takes up much of oru time.Many people spend their free time in fornt of a TV set.However, watching TV has many advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of watching Tv is the source of information.We can watch...


Travelling by car- advantages and disadvantages.

There are many different means of transport. Sometimes we can't imagine how people could live without cars, buses, trains and planes many years ago. Some people prefer travelling by car, others think that it's dangerous and polluts the...


Can money buy you happines? For and against essay

Can money buy you happiness? I think that yes, it can. Of course it can't buy you everything, but it's pretty essential for one's existence. In my opinion you can't lead a bearable life without cash. All people have their own dreams and...


Traditional and home shopping

We say about traditional shopping, but traditional shopping can divide into two different kinds: buying in supermarkets and buying in bazaar. The first kind of buying is most popular, because supermarkets are almost everywhere and all most...


Advantages and disadvantages of old age

The question isn’t that simple. My opinion can be based only on my experiences and observations. I am not old, so I can’t feel how it is to be old, but I meet older people every day in school, on the street and at home and I have my own view....


Advantages and disadvantages of tourism

Tourism is the act of travel for the purpose of not only recreation, but also the provision of services for this act. It might occupy local services such as entertainment, accommodation and catering for tourists. It may seem, that tourism brings...


Advantages and disadvantages of being famous.

Many of us dream about being famous. We want to be admired and loved by people around us. Thanks to media, it is very easy to see wealthy and fashionable celebrities, that are in seven heaven and very joyful. Their life seems to be an idyll all...


The advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car

Travelling by car has many advantages. First of all you can travel wherever an whenever you want. You can use a car in case of urgency. For example if you want to drive to the doctor you don't have to wait for a bus. Also you don't have to travel...


Wady i zalety bycia jedynakiem

Nowadays there are more and more families which consist only of parents and one child. But is this a really good option for the child? There are both advantages and disadvantages of being an only child. The biggest advantage is that you do not...


Advantages and disadvantages of using internet

ADVANTAGES -you can send and receive e-mails -you can get in touch with your friends -you can do shopping -you can downloads files, music and films -you can find interesting materials -you can meet/get to know a lot of people -you can find...


Napisz list do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii, w którym opiszesz miejsce w Twoim kraju szczególnie warte polecenia turystom z zagranicy. (Matura, Longman 55/8)

Dear Anna, I hope everything is fine with you. I`m sorry I haven`t written to you for such a long time. You know, I spend my last weekend in Cracow. I visited the Wawel castle, and I was so impressed that I decided to write to you. The...


Pros and cons of keeping animals in zoos

Should animals be kept in zoos? It is hard to decide for me whether it is good or bad. Keeping animals in zoos does indeed have a lot of advantages. Firstly, animals are provided with food and water. They must not worry about it. In zoos, the...


Niektórzy uczniowie po skończeniu szkoły średniej decydują się na rok przerwy przed podjęciem studiów. W tym czasie pracują lub podróżują. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą dobre i złe strony takiej decyzji.

Test 03 PR Zadanie 3. Recently some of the students decide to go for a gap year. A year-long holidays after finishing high school instead of going straight to the university. This time is often spend working or traveling. This decision has...


Zakupy przez Internet. Shopping on the Internet - advantages and disadvantages

Nowadays, more and more people are keen on doing shopping on the Internet. This possibility brings many advantages but it is not a bed of roses. Internet shopping can be also a big risk or a bad investment. First of all, Internet shopping saves...


For and against essay about mobile phones

Mobile Phones Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. Mobile phones play an important role in our daily lives. But why are they so popular? Almost everyone owns a mobile phone nowadays as they think that it is an...


Wady i zalety telefonów komórkowych

Nowadays mobile phones are everywhere. People on the streets phone friends, send text messages and play games using this technical item. But as every invention which changed our life, cell phones have both a lot of advantages and disadvantages....


Travel broadens the mind.

Everybody wants to broadens their mainds in different ways. People just want to become smarter and smarter while doing something like reading or watching TV. There are many interesting ways of expanding your knowladge but in my opinion travelling...


E-learning for and against essay - studiowanie w internecie

Studying via Internet, popularly called e-learning, is a new method of gaining knowledge. Many people are delighted by this new form od learning but they forget it's downsides. Let's have a closer look at the subject. E-learning saves the...


Advantages and disadvantages of Christmas.

Christmas is very important holiday for every Catholic. Christmas is a special time when all people are in a good mood. Everyone is happy and cherful. Christams has both: advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of Christmas is a fact...


Discuss advantages and disadvantages of living with an extened family

Family is the most important part of human life. There, we grow up and learn to show feelings like: love, fondness, responsiblity and friendship. We spend a lot of time with our family members - in a daily life and during special days like...


Plusy i minusy bycia nauczycielem

In every city we can see a lot of schools and universities in which the most important people are teachers. Every student thinks that their job is not hard and has only good points. But as every job, also teaching has advantages and disadvantages....


The advantages and disadvantages of using computer and Internet.

It is difficult for most people to imagine life without computers. Nowadays, most of us have computer in our homes and they are now a major part of our lives. Among the many areas where they have brought great benefits is also education. In the...


What are the advantage and disadvantage of being a collector and having collection?

Being a collector is popular in many countries. People collecting for example dolls, coaches and buses, royal memorabilia, things which are connected with Star Wars and many others things. But sometimes collecting became a way of live or...


"Advantages and disadvantages of being a child of famous parents" - rozprawka typu za i przeciw

Many children wish their parents were famous singers or actors rather than teachers or clerks. They believe that being a child of celebrated parents has many advantages. That is true, but we need to remember that it has also some drawbacks. To...


Living in the country or in the city

Living in the country or in the city I think living in the city is better than living in the country. Cities consist of thousand of inhabitants and the majority of people in the world occupy the city area There are certain...


Advantages and disadvantages of being successful.

We all want to succeed. Every one wants to be a winner. But what is success? Who is a winner? Does success mean being popular, consolidating power, enjoying prestige, maximizing happiness? Is the winner the one who commands huge audiences, gets...


Wady i zalety życia w Polsce. Advantages and disadvantages of living in Poland.

Poland - a middle-sized country in central Europe. Many people dream of living there, others dream to emigrate to another country. Like in every country, living in Poland has hot both advantages and disadvantages. First of all, it is the best...


Student exchange - for and against essay

Student exchange can be a life changinf experience. However, just as everything else, it has it's pros and cons. I'll try to present this topic in a way thath may help you decide if it's a good thing or not. First of all, when you're an...


Person with whom I will spend one year in a desert island - Osoba, z którą spędzisz rok na bezludnej wyspie - opis

There is many people with whom I may spend a year on the desert island. The choice depends on them advantages. But it is hard to choose a person who has advantages to survive on the desert island. In my opinion that person could be Wincenty. He...


E-mails or letters – which are better ?

Ten years ago, e-mails were not very known in our homes, but only in bigger Companies. Our grandmothers, aunts, even mothers communicated with people from other cities by letters. So why now, in XXI century, we – young people, do not know what is...


Country, Nationality, Capital city

Wszystko jest po angielsku w ząłączniku.


The advantages and disadvantages of early retirement

Many people sometimes dream about life without working, especially with extra earnings Because of this people in middle age often choose early retirement. Is this good or bad option for them? As far as early retirement is concerned, it has some...


Coraz więcej rodzin decyduje się na kształcenie w domu. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą wady i zalety takiego rozwiązania.

Nowadays more and more families decide to educate their children at home instead of letting them go to the school. What are the advantages and disadvantages of that solution? The main benefit of learning at home is that taking private lessons...


Big city or a village

Why do so many people move to big cities? There are very many reasons, which we ought to know. First of all in a big city there are more shops, restaurants, theatres and cinemas. People, who live in big cities hardly ever complain about boredom -...


There should be no compulsory school subjects. Students should be allowed to choose the subjects they want to learn.

There are many compulsory subjects at school nowadays. They cause a lot of hardship for every student because not all of them are good at every subject. However, are they necessary for us? On the one hand, it is wasting our...


Does people should practice extreme sports?

The most of people have an aim which they try to achieve. One plays on guitar, one studies all day and one practices extreme sports. There are both positive and negative aspects of practicing extreme sports. First of all, extreme sports are...



Amount-ilosc,liczba Appear-pojawiac się Asleep-spiacy Atom-atom Author-autor Best/worst-najlepszy/najgorszy Biography-biografia Blind-niewidomy Brain-mozg Catchy-podchwyliwy Chemical strucrure-struktora chemiczna Chemist-chemik Circle-okragly...


Czy globalizacja jest zniesieniem barier

Globalization- it is the process of spreading economic, political, social and cultural processes independently of the degree of advancement of civilization or geographical location. Some people says, that it is removal of barriers, and...


A great fortune is a great slavery. - napisz rozprawkę na temat zalet i wad bycia bogatym

Most people living in this world dream about being a rich man. But we have to quest ourself: would I be happy if I were rich? There are many advantage and disadvantage of having a great fortune. Perhaps the richest people in the world...


Advantages and disadvantages of

Kilka zagadnień opracowanych na zasadzie wady i zalety...: - posiadanie rodzeństwa - posiadanie samochodu - mieszkanie w mieście - mieszkanie na wsi - pisanie listów - pisanie e-maili


Advantages and disadvantages of alternative medicine. (Wady i zalety medycyny alternatywnej)

The more being a nonconformist is growing popular, the more people need to express their diversity in almost every area of their lives, even if it comes to health. An alternative medicine is something, that people come into for finding new...


Schools letting students decide what they want to study - for and against essay

More and more high schools let their students choose the subjects they want to learn. It's hard to decide if it's a good solution. In this case public reactions are mixed First of all, we have to say that by letting students pick their...


The Internet - helps making new relationships or brings isolation and loneliness?

As the Internet is expanding, more and more people are joining chatrooms, web communities, as well as e-mail and communicator services. They often state that it gives them an opportunity to make new relationships, to develop their interests with...


Blaski i cienie bycia sławnym

Being a famous person-it must be a great experience. This feeling inside when you know that most of people like you, that your fans wanna touch you, kiss, hug-you are God for them-WOW. Firstly the celibrites have a lot of money, which they earn in...


Describe the characters of Boxer and Napoleon and discuss the significance to the novel as a whole.

George Orwell’s famous novel ‘Animal Farm’ is a genius allegory story. It tells about animals which drive out their owner Mr. Jones and establish their rules a farm which aim is liberty and equality of all creatures except people. However, it...


Za i przeciw mieszkania na wsi

Nowodays most people live in the huge towns. We used to provide big-city lifestyle. People who live in the town think that is a perfect place to live. Usually we leave our towns only when we go for holidays. But there are people, who live in a...


Comparing Culture USA - Poland

COMPARING CULTURE - POLAND vs. USA Our project is aimed at comparing cultures and lifestyles teenagers in Poland and the USA. The United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world, with many differences. Each region...


Technological and scientific advancements are necessary for society.

Moving towards the 21st century, technological advancement has become a focus of today's society. Technology has entered the lives of even the poorest members of society, and it is very rare to find anyone who does not have some form of...