
Recenzja z elementami opowiadania - muzeum w Biskupinie (poziom advanced)

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2022-09-16
poleca 84% 2834 głosów


If you want to find out how people lived in the Bronze Age, you can’t beat the Biskupin Archaeological Museum. A friend of mine has recently gone there, and he was talking about it for one week, such was his amazement! Hardly had I heard about the museum, when I decided to go there with my other mate.

The museum is set in breath taking scenery with gently rolling meadows and fields, among which there is a magnificent lake with an amazing peninsula. That’s where the museum is placed. Arriving there was literally like stepping into Iron Age. I saw a bustling scene of wooden huts with thatched roofs, villagers dressed in primitive tunics, man flaying doe skin.

After getting used to new reality, we dressed in scratchy tunics and leather shoes. The museum workers taught us many more or less practical things. What we learnt was a thing that gave us a plenty of satisfaction.

Every experience was a steep learning curve. The museum workers, who were dressed like real villagers from Bronze Age, showed us how to flay animal’s skin or to sharpen a blade. We were even taught how to weave a tiny piece of cloth, which meant painstakingly laying fibre by fibre. The worst thing was that we even couldn’t wash our hands after the workshop! Each of us had to go to the end of the village to approach to the river, and wash the hands then.

The museum was a truly remarkable place that taught me not to take things like the Internet or water supply for granted. The trip allowed me to understand that modern amenities aren’t necessary to live, at all. I would strongly recommend the museum for everybody, who is fed up with living in modern, easy world and wants to imagine how would it be to exist without the internet.

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