
Moje ostatnie wakacje- My last holiday

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Half my holidays I spent on the job.I worked in the Northern Shipyard. Afterwards I went to my grandmamma which lives in the small city Golub-Dobrzyń forty kilometres from Thorn (Toruń). There I was born and I lived by fourteen years. I have there a lot friends with whom I spent every my own day. Together we drove on party, we went to the bar. We drank a lot beers and vodkas. Together with friends we drove over the lake, where we swam and we caught fish. Over the lake we played also in volleyball beach. At times I sat at Tom of my friend at home, where we looked films and we played into computer games. Heaps of times we played football and we drove on cycling tours to the forest, where we mushroomed. In the latter part holidays I went with my friend with Simon to Ireland to our friend of Agnes which lives and works in Dublin. Is this very beautiful city but little it we toured, because mostly we sat in the bars and pubs, where we drank with litres the Irish beer. But all that good quickly ends and it is necessary to return to Poland. These were surely my best holidays, always it I will remember.

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