
The day that everything went wrong

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2024-01-09
poleca 83% 3116 głosów


I set the alarm clock for 7 o'clock and went to bed.

It was a terrible day. I woke up at 8 o'clock because my alarm clock was broken. I packed my books and had breakfast. As I was leaving home, I noticed that my dog was waiting for me and wanted to go for a walk. I had to take him out. Finally, I rushed to a bus stop, only to see my bus pulling away. I was very upset. I had to wait for another bus for 20 minutes.

When I arrived at school, I had already missed three lessons. I went to my geography class, and the teacher asked me a question. I tried to answer, but I couldn't. As a result, I received an "ndst" grade. Then came the history lesson. Just as we entered the classroom, the fire alarm went off. We had to evacuate the building quickly and wait in the playground. Someone claimed there was a bomb in our school, but it turned out to be a false alarm. Nevertheless, we had to stand outside in the freezing cold for an hour (it was December). After that, I had two free periods because our Polish teacher was sick. So, I waited for two hours for my Latin lesson. However, after two hours, it became clear that our principal (who is also a Latin teacher) was too busy to come to our class.

Since Latin was my last lesson on Friday, I was quite frustrated.

The weather was unfavorable. It was snowing, and the snow was turning into ice due to freezing temperatures. Koszalin was covered in frost, and the buses were not running. I had to walk home, but the pavement was extremely slippery, and I fell several times, getting numerous bruises. By 3 o'clock, I had finally arrived home. I made myself a cup of tea and sat in an armchair. Then, I read a newspaper.

I work for the school newspaper as a technical editor responsible for page layout.

I sat in my room and turned on the computer. I had to finish the publication that day because I needed to submit a floppy disk with the completed publication to the printing office the next day. I worked for 6 hours but forgot to save the document. Suddenly, the power went out, and I was shocked. I was truly upset.

I decided to go for a long walk with my dog and then returned to turn the computer back on...

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